Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New Research Topic

So after thinking about my research topic some more, I realized trying to make a machine diagram of a artificial sweetener molecule would be a little challenging and involve a lot of biochemistry. After talking to a friend from Atlanta whose girlfriend is a bioengineer at Northwestern, I am changing my research topic to artificial hearts. More specifically, I am focusing on the newest artificial heart, AbioCor Replacement Heart manufactured by Abiomed. I started becoming interested in this topic after my friend started talking about it for an hour; I honestly don't remember what he said, but I do remember that it was interesting.

Tomorrow, I have to meet with my TA to talk about my focus for the research paper as well as present to him reliable sources that I am going to use in my paper. We need at least 6 sources from scientific journal and one of those sources could be a manufacture website if our topic is a medical device. After I find some reliable sources, I will post them here; I also should start to think about in what direction I am going to create my engineering diagram.

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