Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Machine Diagram

So I started to make my machine diagram for the AbioCor Replacement Heart, I realized that there were more than just four components of the machine; I think the number four stuck in my head because I saw a diagram of the device implanted in the body, and only four components were visible. The diagram I remember seeing is the one below from the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School website.Before I made my diagram, I had to use some of my resources to find out exactly how each component interacted; that is also when I found out that more components existed. So the components of this replacement heart include:
- thoracic unit
- implanted TET (transcutaneious energy transfer)
- implanted battery
- implanted controller
as well as
- external TET (transcutaneious energy transfer)
- external console with monitor
- patient-carried electronics (PCE),
which are not pictured in the diagram.

The trouble that I am encountering while making this diagram is that most of my components transfer energy in the form of electricity. Also, this device is unique in that no wires pierce the skin; this means that power is transferred across skin. Another potential problem is that the internal battery only runs when the external battery does not; I do not know exactly how to indicate that on my diagram.

It is time for me to go and work out the minor details of this diagram, which is already looking very complex and congested simply because of all the electricity transfer between components. I just need to keep tweaking with it to make it sure it is easy to follow!

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