Sunday, October 4, 2009

Analyzing my "thing"

So I think I am going to analyze the bookstore on Penn's campus. I still do not think that I am 100% percent confident in doing this assignment correctly (more like 98%). For this assignment, we are to analyze our "thing" on Penn's campus over three length scales in order for us to take a complicated structure and break it down into smaller structures in order for us to better understand it. This relates to bioengineering because many of the structures that bioengineers work with - cells, muscles, tissues, organs - have complicated structures upon first glance but can be broken down into substructures in order to be understood on a substructure by substructure basis. The second part of this assignment is to find other structures, whether natural or man-made, that are similar to the substructures of our "thing." For example, in lecture, we saw that the structures of tree branches and riverbeds were similar to the structure of blood vessels in the human body; all threes structures were branching and intertwined. The similarities between structures can be in both the physical sense and the functional sense. For example, the picture of the tree branches looked similar to the picture of the blood vessels <-- physical; the tree branches carry nutrients and needed material throughout the tree just like blood vessels carry nutrients and needed materials to the body <--functional.

Structure: Penn Bookstore
Length scales:
- dimensions of the store
meter/centimeter - dimensions of a window
centimeter/millimeter - dimensions of a book in the window

That is all I have so far! I'll post more about my process for choosing and analyzing the bookstore (including pictures!) and how my structure can be related to other ones. Hint: brain.

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