Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tuesday's Meeting

So we are finally coming down to the final stretch; the only thing that we have to do for our design project is practice the presentation, which we are going to do tonight at Van Pelt. Yesterday, after first being kicked out of multiple rooms in Van Pelt before finally moving to Hill, we edited and finalized our powerpoint, did some fancy thing to get all nine slides onto one slide, and discussed what additional material we were going to submit with our electronic copy of the presentation. We decided that we are going to submit some of our earlier designs which we did not include in our presentation because there was not enough room for it; we had numerous other designs that we considered and we want whoever is grading to know that we really had to narrow down what was realistic versus what was idealistic or impractical. Also, I had made a 3D diagram of one of our last designs; we took pictures of it and our going to submit them as well. Tonight, we are going to finish making the final 3D model for our presentation; we are going to photograph this as well and include it in our electronic submission. We are also going to submit a link to this blog because we feel it really describes our thought process as well as our different design ideas and component options. Hopefully tomorrow's presentation goes well! We feel that our design is very practical, realistic, and feasible; hopefully we can impress on our TA exactly how we feel about our design!

Wish us luck!

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