Sunday, November 1, 2009

Research Paper

So I started my paper, and I realized that is not as bad as I thought it would be. Again, I think that the reason that it is not as difficult is because I had to make a machine diagram of the artificial heart system; the diagram is an easy graphic to follow while writing to make sure that I do not skip any steps or describe a step in the wrong order.

This week is going to be very hectic for me, so I am trying to start slash finish a lot of work today and tomorrow; I have a chemistry midterm, this research paper due, a lab report due, a three hour chemistry lab, math homework, and I have to meet with a tutor and my academic adviser to get my schedule approved for next semester! For this reason, I am really trying to get around 75% of my paper done today.

So right now I am going to go work on my paper some more! I'll let you know how far I get a little bit later today (and if the Phillies win!). Again, I am really happy it is not as bad as I had previously imagined.

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