Wednesday, September 16, 2009

BE Discussion - Swine Flu

So my first assignment for my bioengineering class is to find credible information and sources about the swine flu vaccine in order for me to draw my own conclusions about whether or not I should get one or who should be the first group of people to receive the vaccine. This assignment is starting to sound like the time when I had an argument with my doctor because I refused to get two shots that she wanted me to take; I refused them because I do not want to take medicine/vaccine if I have a choice not to. I try to stay away from any type or medication because I do not believe that constantly pushing medicine on people whenever they have a cramp is the right path for the medical field (though I know many people would disagree with me). I wanted to post this before I went and researched the vaccine, the illness, and other related material so that I can see if perhaps my opinion changes after reading the information; also, I have no doubt that some very good points will be brought up in our class discussion tomorrow that also may influence my somewhat stubborn opinion that I currently have.

More information is soon to come!
(I am very stubborn so it will take some good debating skills and information to force me to change my mind!)

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